Kate Chastain left the nautical reality TV show Below Deck after six seasons of being each vessel’s Chief Steward. But where is Kate from Below Deck now? Here’s an explanation of what the show’s no-nonsense star is up to.
Where is Kate From Below Deck Now? Explained
Kate Chastain left Below Deck because she felt it was time to pursue other endeavors but has since stayed with the Bravo network, taking on presenter and co-host roles. Speaking to ET, she explained that if she ever did go back to Below Deck, she’d take a lower role because of the reduced responsibility:
“I’d just be down there with my music saying, ‘Hey, guys…’ You get to be part of it with zero responsibility. When you’re third stew, you don’t realize how wonderful life is,” she said.
So where did Kate go after leaving the show? She first became host and executive producer on Bravo’s Chat Room show, and while that show only lasted one season, she also appeared on Galley Talk, a side show all about Below Deck. Galley Talk is to Below Deck as The Talking Dead is to AMC’s The Walking Dead.
Kate also went on to appear in Seasons 1 and 2 of The Traitors and, in 2023, co-hosted the Bravo show Couch Talk with Captain Lee and Kate. So while she’s land-based these days, Kate’s kept her hand in presenting and so on.
When asked if she’d consider returning to Below Deck, Kate has given several answers, mentioning that she’d like a snazzier uniform and she’d want to go back in as a 3rd Class Steward or as a charter guest. But she has not returned to the show or any of its spin-offs. She gave birth to her son, Sullivan Clay, in 2023 and has been raising him since, so heading back to sea is not much of an option at the moment.
And that’s where Kate from Below Deck is now.
Published: May 26, 2024 2:45 AM UTC