Big Brother Season 26 has introduced a new character called Ainsley the AI. They were introduced as a housemate, but who is Ainsley the AI, really? Here’s what you should know.
What or Who is Ainsley From Big Brother Season 26?
Ainsley is the character who’s in charge of tasks and the like on Big Brother Season 26. Her name is supposedly an acronym for Artificial Intelligence Network Self-Learning Entity, though she’s no more an AI than Lana from Too Hot to Handle.
She was introduced as a new and very human-looking housemate, played by TikTok star Cosette Rinab (Rinab is credited briefly at the end of the episode). After being picked, she morphed into a a character reminiscent of Halo‘s Cortana, and that’s the last we’ve seen of Rinab’s incarnation.
Unlike Lana, Ainsley’s voice appears to be AI-generated. Either that or someone is doing a very, very good job imitating that typically flat and lifeless AI voice. Rinab may pop up again later in the series —possibly in the finale — but nothing has been confirmed on that front.
Related: How Does Big Brother Work? Explained
Aside from having a TikTok presence with over 2 million followers, Rinab offers her services to others looking to either become influencers or leverage influencers to promote their products. She describes herself as an “Experienced Social Media Marketing Specialist with a demonstrated history of working in the social media industry,” and is pursuing a BA in Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication.
She has also had a few previous acting roles (via IMBD) including Broad City and Blue Bloods. However, she has yet to comment on her role in Big Brother via social media.
So, in short, Big Brother Season 26’s Ainsley the AI is the new voice of the show, and her brief human appearance she was played by influencer Cosette Rinab.
Published: Aug 8, 2024 1:33 AM UTC